The Strongr Fastr for Professionals API allows enterprise users to programmatically create and deactivate clients in Strongr Fastr as well as get JSON formatted meal plans to display in your own frontend. If your business needs something more please contact The API is a work in progress and we're happy to help.
Authenticate each request by setting the Authorization header of the request to your API key as follows:
Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY
If you are the primary owner of the account and your account has been activated for API access your API Key should be visible within the app under Menu > Account. To get activated for API access contact
Content Type
Requests to the API should have a JSON body and content-type (‘application/json’). All responses from the API will also have a JSON body and content-type.
Content-Type: application/json
Create a Client
Minimal create client request if delivering via PDF:
"user": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith"
Minimal create & invite a client if delivering via app/web:
"type": "invite",
"user": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": ""
If delivering via PDF: create & invite client and have them set up their own profile, meal plan preferences, and pick some initial recipes. Then generate and deliver them a meal plan:
"type": "invite",
"user": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "",
"setup_own_profile": true,
"setup_own_mp_prefs": true,
"can_pick_initial_recipes": true,
"auto_deliver_mp_pdf": true
If deliver by app/web: create & invite client and have them set up their own profile, meal plan, and workouts:
"type": "invite",
"user": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "",
"setup_own_profile": true,
"setup_own_mp_prefs": true,
"pick_own_routine": true
Create client with basic profile:
"type": "invite",
"user": {
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "",
"gender": 1,
"age": 32,
"foot_height": 5,
"inch_height": 6,
"current_weight": 149,
"weight_goal": -1,
"activity_level": 2
Create client with basic profile & meal plan profile & generate first meal plan immediately (and email the client a PDF if delivering via PDF):
"type": "create",
"generate_meal_plan": true,
"user": {
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "",
"auto_deliver_mp_pdf": true,
"gender": 1,
"age": 32,
"foot_height": 5,
"inch_height": 6,
"current_weight": 149,
"weight_goal": -1,
"activity_level": 2,
"meal_plan_weekday": 2,
"diet_type": 1,
"budget": 3,
"weekly_variety": 3,
"complexity_preference": 3,
"selected_meal_types": ["breakfast","lunch","dinner"]
Create client with specific macro goals & food allergies:
"user": {
"first_name": "Aaardvark",
"last_name": "Tom",
"gender": 1,
"age": 32,
"foot_height": 5,
"inch_height": 6,
"current_weight": 149,
"weight_goal": -1,
"activity_level": 2,
"meal_plan_weekday": 2,
"diet_type": 1,
"budget": 3,
"weekly_variety": 3,
"complexity_preference": 3,
"selected_meal_types": ["breakfast","lunch","dinner"],
"excluded_keywords": "dairy1,soy1,gluten1",
"extra_keywords": "brussel sprouts,lima beans",
"override_calories": true,
"calorie_override": 2200,
"fiber_goal": 25,
"macro_parameters": [
{ "macro": "protein", "amount": 180, "unit_type": 0, "compare_type": "at_least" },
{ "macro": "carbs", "amount": 20, "unit_type": 1, "compare_type": "at_most" }
This will create a lactose intolerant client (dairy1) who is also allergic to soy and gluten (soy1,gluten1) and does not want brussel sprouts or lima beans in their meal plan. They have a daily calorie goal of 2200 calories, a daily fiber goal of 25 grams, a daily protein goal of at least 180g, and a daily carbs goal of 20% or less.
This endpoint creates a new client.
HTTP Request
Request Body
- user object (required) - the user object with details (e.g. name, age, height, weight, etc) for the client being created
- trainer_identifier string (optional) - the id or email address of the trainer/team member to whom this client should be assigned. If left blank, the client will be assigned to the account owner
- type string (optional) - if specified must be one of:
- invite (if delivering plans via the app/website an invite will get sent to the client’s email address)
- create (default - creates the client without sending an invite)
- tags array of string (optional) - an array of any tags (arbitrary strings for grouping clients) to be applied to the client. Can also be passed as a comma-delimited string.
- generate_meal_plan boolean (optional) - if set to true, the client’s first meal plan will automatically be generated after the client is created. This will fail unless the meal_plan_weekday, diet_type, budget, weekly_variety, complexity_preference, and selected_meal_types fields are all set in the user object.
- suppress_notification_email boolean (optional) - by default an email will be sent to the new client’s trainer after the client is created. Setting this flag to true prevents that email from being sent.
- delete_and_replace boolean (optional) - by default if you already have a client with the same email address in our system, the call will error out and leave the existing client in place. If you set this flag to true, then the call will succeed and the pre-existing client will be deleted.
If the request succeeds the response will be an object with the following key/value pairs:
- client_id integer - the id of the newly created client
- mp_pdf_url string - if generate_meal_plan was set to true, a url where a PDF of the plan can be downloaded will be provided here. A simple GET request to this URL with the appropriate Authorization header (see above) will return the PDF file
If the request fails, the response will be an object with an error message:
- error string - the error message
User Object
Basic Fields
When creating a client, if you provide a first_name, last_name, gender, age, height (foot_height/inch_height or metric_height), weight (current_weight or metric_weight), weight_goal, and activity_level, then the manual “Set Up Client” step can be skipped within the app.
- first_name string (required) - the client’s first name
- last_name string (required) - the client’s last name
- email string (optional if you’re delivering plans via “pdf” and both setup_own_profile and auto_deliver_mp_pdf are false, required otherwise) - client’s email address
- assign_default_forms boolean (optional) - if you've set up default forms, check-ins, & assessments within the app set this flag to true and those will be assigned to the client upon creation
- setup_own_profile boolean (optional) - set to true to have the client fill in their own gender, weight goal, age, height, weight, and activity level when they accept their invite
- gender integer (optional) - 0 for male, 1 for female
- age integer (optional) - the client’s age as an integer, must be >= 18 and <= 99
- foot_height integer, inch_height number (optional) - the client’s height in feet and inches. inch_height should be blank or a number >= 0 and < 12. foot_height must be an integer. Total height must be between 2’6” and 8’
- metric_height number (optional) - the client’s height in centimeters. This field is ignored if foot_height or inch_height are present. Must be between 77 and 243 cm.
- current_weight number (optional) - the client’s current weight in lbs. Must be >= 60 and <= 800
- metric_weight number (optional) - the client’s weight in kgs. Must be between 28 and 363 kgs. This field is ignored if current_weight is present
- weight_goal integer (optional) - the client’s weight goal. Must be either -1 (lose weight), 0 (maintain/tone), or 1 (gain weight).
- activity_level integer (optional) - must be one of:
- 0 (for sedentary)
- 1 (for lightly active)
- 2 (for moderately active)
- 3 (for heavily active)
- 4 (for extremely active)
Meal Plan Fields
setup_own_mp_prefs boolean (optional) - set to true to have the client fill in their own meal plan profile after they accept their invite.
can_edit_own_meal_plan boolean (optional) - set to true to allow clients to create and edit their own meal plans. Defaults to true. Does nothing if you’re delivering plans via PDF.
can_pick_initial_recipes boolean (optional) - if delivering by PDF and setup_own_mp_prefs is set to true, you can set this flag to true to enable the initial recipe picking step where clients can pick some recipes they'd like to show up on their meal plan. Does nothing if delivering by app.
auto_deliver_mp_pdf boolean (optional) - if delivering by PDF and setup_own_mp_prefs is set to true OR generate_meal_plan is set to true, you can set this flag to true and the app will automatically email the client a PDF of their plan using the default PDF export settings (including any note) set by this client's coach. If this flag is unset or set to false, the coach will have to manually deliver this client's meal plan by exporting from within the app. Does nothing if delivering by app.
If you provide meal_plan_weekday, diet_type, budget, weekly_variety, complexity_preference, and selected_meal_types then the manual meal plan settings setup step for the client can be skipped within the app.
meal_plan_weekday integer (optional) - indicates which weekday should be the first day of the client’s meal plan each week. If this field is included then diet_type, budget, weekly_variety, complexity_preference, and selected_meal_types are all REQUIRED. Must be one of:
- 0 (for Sunday)
- 1 (for Monday)
- 2 (for Tuesday)
- 3 (for Wednesday)
- 4 (for Thursday)
- 5 (for Friday)
- 6 (for Saturday)
diet_type integer (optional) - must be one of:
- 0 (for no restriction)
- 1 (for pescetarian)
- 2 (for vegetarian)
- 3 (for paleo)
- 4 (for keto)
- 5 (for vegan)
budget integer (optional) - an integer (0,1,2, or 3) indicating how high the client’s grocery budget is. 0 for the lowest possible budget and 3 for the highest. Generally this field should be maxed out to increase variety, but can also be a good way to modulate expenses for cost-sensitive clients
weekly_variety integer (optional) - an integer (0,1,2, or 3) indicating how much variety to include in the client’s meal plan (i.e. how often to switch up meals vs repeating them/eating leftovers meal prep style). 0 for the least amount of variety and the least amount of cooking, 3 for the most variety and most cooking.
complexity_preference integer (optional) - an integer (0,1,2, or 3) indicating the maximum level of recipe complexity to include in this client’s plan. Recipe complexity is a qualitative metric determined by ingredient counts and total time required by a recipe. 0 is the least complex and 3 is the most. Note that restricting complexity too much can reduce variety in the meal plan.
selected_meal_types array of strings (optional) - an array indicating which meals to include in the client’s plan each day. At least two meal types must be specified. Possible values are:
- breakfast
- lunch
- dinner
- snack
excluded_keywords string (optional) - a comma-separated list of tags used for food allergy exclusions. Possible tags are:
- dairy1 (excludes high-lactose dairy from the meal plan)
- dairy2 (excludes all dairy from the meal plan)
- egg1 (excludes eggs from the meal plan)
- peanut1 (excludes peanuts from the meal plan)
- tree_nuts (excludes tree nuts from the meal plan)
- soy1 (excludes soy from the meal plan)
- gluten1 (excludes gluten from the meal plan)
- fish1 (excludes fish from the meal plan)
- shellfish1 (excludes shellfish from the meal plan)
extra_keywords string (optional) - a comma separated list of free-text keywords/phrases to exclude from the meal plan. For example, if this was set to “brussels sprouts,beef” the meal plan would never include any recipes whose name, description, or ingredients included the keyword “brussels sprouts” or “beef”. Important: these keywords should be as specific as possible. For example, instead of setting the field to “nightshade” you should set it to “tomato,pepper,potato,eggplant”.
meal_type_daily_percentages object (optional) - an object whose keys are the meal types included in selected_meal_types and values are the percentage of the client’s daily calories that should be allocated to that meal type. For example, a value of { “breakfast”: 20, “lunch”: 30, “dinner”: 50 } would tell the meal planner to allocate 20%, 30%, and 50% of the client’s daily calories to breakfast, lunch, and dinner respectively.
override_calories boolean (optional) - if set to true, the meal planner will use the calorie goal specified in calorie_override for this client’s meal plan. Otherwise, calorie_override will be ignored and the client’s calorie goal will be calculated automatically based on their profile.
calorie_override integer (optional) - the client’s daily caloric needs. Must be between 600 and 5500 if specified. If this is not specified, or override_calories is not set to true, the client’s daily calories are calculated automatically based on their profile.
fiber_goal integer (optional) - how many grams of fiber the client should be eating per day. Must be between 0 and 40.
macro_parameters array of objects (optional) - an array representing the client’s daily macronutrient targets. Each object in the array represents a single macronutrient and its daily target. You can specify targets for up to two macronutrients. If an empty array is set, the client’s macro goals will be calculated automatically based on their profile. Each object should have the following fields:
- macro string (required) - the macro whose daily target is being specified. Must be one of:
- protein
- carbs
- fat
- amount number (required) - how much of the specified macro the client should be eating each day. This will either be interpreted as a percent of the client’s daily calories or a gram amount, depending on the value of unit_type.
- unit_type integer (required) - must be one of:
- 0 - the amount field will be interpreted as grams
- 1 - the amount field will be interpreted as a percentage of the client’s daily calories
- compare_type string (required) - must be one of:
- at_least - the client should be eating AT LEAST the specified amount of the macronutrient
- at_most - the client should be eating AT MOST the specified amount of the macronutrient
- macro string (required) - the macro whose daily target is being specified. Must be one of:
Workout Plan Fields
- pick_own_routine boolean (optional) - set to true to have client go through a guided workout selection flow and pick an appopriate routine from Strongr Fastr's database of routines.
Deactivate a Client
Minimal deactivate client request:
"client_id": 123456
This endpoint deactivates an existing client.
HTTP Request
Request Body
- client_id integer (required) - the id of the client to be deactivated
If the request succeeds the response will be an object with the following key/value pairs:
- success boolean - will be true if the client was successfully deactivated. This includes cases where the client was already deactivated.
If the request fails, the response will be an object with an error message:
- error string - the error message
Reactivate a Client
Minimal reactivate client request:
"client_id": 123456
This endpoint reactivates an existing client.
HTTP Request
Request Body
- client_id integer (required) - the id of the client to be deactivated
If the request succeeds the response will be an object with the following key/value pairs:
- success boolean - will be true if the client was successfully reactivated. This includes cases where the client was already active.
If the request fails, the response will be an object with an error message:
- error string - the error message
Meal Plans
List meal plans
Example Response
"user_id": 795326,
"meal_plan_list": [
"id": 82,
"week_start_date": "2567-07-26",
"resolved_name": "Week 1",
"published": true,
"hidden": null
"id": 83,
"week_start_date": "2567-08-02",
"resolved_name": "Week 2 - contest prep",
"published": false,
"hidden": null
This endpoint will return metadata for all meal plans for a given client. The metadata includes the id of each meal plan which can be used to retrieve the full plan and its grocery list. The list will be sorted in ascending order of the "start date" of each meal plan.
HTTP Request
Request Body
- client_identifier string or integer (required) - the id or email address of the client whose list of meal plans is being requested. Using the client's ID is recommended because a client's email is editable whereas its ID will never change.
If the request succeeds the response will be a JSON object with the following key/value pairs:
- user_id integer - the id of the user/client this list is for
- meal_plan_list array of objects - a list of meal plan metadata objects (see below)
Meal Plan Metadata Object
Each meal plan metadata object will have the following keys:
- id integer - the id of the meal plan
- week_start_date date string - a YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the start date of the meal plan. The last day of a meal plan is always the start date plus 6 days so that each meal plan represents a full 7 days of meals. For internal architecture reasons, if your account is set up to deliver via "PDF" the start date for all meal plans will be a far future date, but the weekday will match whatever is set up in the client's settings.
- resolved_name string - the display name of the meal plan (e.g. "Week 1")
- published boolean - true if this meal plan has been marked as published by the trainer who created it
- hidden boolean - if a meal plan has been "deleted" by the trainer who created it, it will still show up in API calls but this flag will be set to true
Get meal plan
Example get meal plan response:
"meal_types": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"user_id": 10,
"name": "Breakfast",
"category": "breakfast"
"2": {
"id": 2,
"user_id": 10,
"name": "Lunch",
"category": "lunch"
// Additional meal types...
"user_meals": {
"100": {
"id": 100,
"meal_type_id": 1,
"date": "2024-05-01",
"shared_meal_parent_id": null,
"mini_profile_id": null,
"uniq_key": "abc123"
// Additional user meals...
"recipe_meals": {
"1000": {
"id": 1000,
"user_meal_id": 100,
"recipe_id": 500,
"servings": 2,
"main_dish": true
// Additional recipe meals...
"recipes": {
"500": {
"name": "Oatmeal Pancakes",
"instructions": "Mix ingredients. \nCook on a skillet.",
"servings": 4,
"calories": 350,
"protein": 10,
"carbs": 50,
"fat": 12,
"fiber": 5,
"alcohol": 0,
"active_time": 15,
"cook_time": 20,
"serving_name": "pancake",
"count_per_serving": 2,
"image": {
"url": "",
"thumb": { "url": "" },
"medium_thumb": { "url": "" }
// Additional recipes...
"ingredients": {
"2000": {
"id": 2000,
"recipe_id": 500,
"food_weight_id": 300,
"amount": 1.5,
"modifier": "chopped",
"optional": false
// Additional ingredients...
"food_weights": {
"300": {
"id": 300,
"food_id": 400,
"measurement": "cups",
"grams": 150,
"hidden": false
// Additional food weights...
"foods": {
"400": {
"id": 400,
"long_description": "Whole grain rolled oats",
"short_description": "WHL GRN RLD OATS",
"common_name": "rolled oats",
"is_liquid": false
// Additional foods...
"mini_profiles": {
"5": {
"id": 5,
"user_id": 10,
"name": "John"
// Additional mini profiles...
This endpoint retrieves all data for a specific meal plan identified by its id
for a given client. The response is a normalized JSON object that includes comprehensive information about all meals, recipes, foods in the meal plan.
Meal plans are represented by many types of interrelated objects, below is an entity relationship diagram illustrating the general structure of a meal plan. Find more information about each type of object in the Response Object Definitions section.
HTTP Request
Request Body
client_identifier string or integer (required)
The ID or email address of the client whose meal plan is being requested. Using the client's ID is recommended because a client's email is editable whereas its ID will never integer (required)
The unique identifier of the meal plan to retrieve. This ID corresponds to theid
provided in the meal plans list.
If the request succeeds, the response will be a JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:
meal_types object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aMeal Type
object containing its attributes.user_meals object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aUser Meal
object containing its attributes.recipe_meals object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aRecipe Meal
object containing its object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aRecipe
object containing its attributes.ingredients object - a hash where each key is an
ID and the value is anIngredient
object containing its attributes.food_weights object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aFood Weight
object containing its attributes.foods object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aFood
object containing its attributes.mini_profiles object - a hash where each key is a
ID and the value is aMini Profile
object containing its attributes.
Response Object Definitions
Meal Type Object
A Meal Type
object represents a type of meal, either breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack for the user that owns the meal type. Meals (i.e. User Meals
) are assigned to a meal type and a date which determines their position in a plan.
id integer - the unique identifier of the meal type.
user_id integer - the ID of the user/client who owns this meal type.
name string - the name of the meal type (e.g., "Breakfast", "Lunch").
category string - the category to which the meal type belongs. It will always be one of ["breakfast","lunch","dinner","snack"]
Mini Profile Object
A Mini Profile
represents a family member with whom meals on a meal plan might be shared.
id integer - the unique identifier of the mini profile.
user_id integer - the ID of the client/user associated with this mini profile.
name string - the name of the person this mini profile is for e.g. "John" or "My husband".
User Meal Object
A User Meal
object is the top-level object representing each meal on a plan. It is made up of 1 or more child Recipe Meal
objects that define a recipe and number of servings of that recipe to be eaten. Broadly there are two types of User Meals
Regular user meals - these are directly scheduled on the plan for the client with a date and a Meal Type
. They are the meals the client themselves will be eating.
Shared user meals - these represent meals that will be eaten by the user/client's family members. They don't have a date or Meal Type
, instead they point to a parent regular User Meal
via the shared_meal_parent_id foreign key. They also point to the "family member" (Mini Profile
) to whom they belong via the mini_profile_id foreign key.
id integer - the unique identifier of the user meal.
meal_type_id integer - the ID of the associated meal type.
date date string - a YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing when the meal is scheduled.
shared_meal_parent_id integer or null - the ID of the parent meal if this is a "shared" user meal, null otherwise.
mini_profile_id integer - the ID of the mini profile associated with this meal if this is a "shared" user meal, null otherwise.
uniq_key string - the unique key is a string that can be used to group identical meals across days together. In other words, if a user is eating the same breakfast multiple days in a week, all those breakfasts will be represented by separate user meal objects, but they will all have the same uniq_key.
off_plan boolean - if true this is an off plan meal, in other words a flexible meal where the user can eat whatever they want as long as it hits certain macronutrient targets. Off plan meals don't have any recipe meals associated with them. Off plan meals also have calorie, protein, carbs, fat, and fiber attributes indicating the macros the user should shoot for. These attributes should be ignored for on plan user meals
calories float - for off plan meals only, the total number of calories the user should shoot for. For regular user meals this will be null, and the calories and other macros should be calculated from the macros of the recipes in the meal.
protein float - for off plan meals only, the total grams of protein the user should shoot for. For regular user meals, the macros should be calculated from the macros of the recipes in the meal.
carbs float - for off plan meals only, the total grams of NET carbs the user should shoot for. For regular user meals, the macros should be calculated from the macros of the recipes in the meal.
fat float - for off plan meals only, the total grams of fat the user should shoot for. For regular user meals, the macros should be calculated from the macros of the recipes in the meal.
fiber float - for off plan meals only, the total grams of fiber the user should shoot for. For regular user meals, the macros should be calculated from the macros of the recipes in the meal.
Recipe Meal Object
Recipe Meal
objects are the children of a User Meal
object that define a recipe and number of servings of a recipe to be eaten.
id integer - the unique identifier of the recipe meal.
user_meal_id integer - the ID of the associated user meal.
recipe_id integer - the ID of the recipe included in this meal.
servings float - the number of servings for the recipe in this meal.
main_dish boolean - if set to true, this recipe meal should be considered the main dish for its parent user meal. For example, if a lunch was a Turkey Sandwich and an Apple, the Turkey Sandwich would be marked as the main dish. This is helpful for emphasizing the most important part of the meal in your UI.
Recipe Object
The Recipe
object represents an unscaled recipe. A recipe has many Ingredient
children that define the foods and quantities of those foods in the recipe. A single recipe can be present in many Recipe Meals
throughout the plan and when appropriate (most of the time) ingedient quantities should be scaled by the number of servings being used. Note that many "recipes" are actually just single food items like an Apple, so instructions may not be present for all recipes:
name string - the name of the recipe.
instructions string - step-by-step instructions for preparing the recipe. Each step is separated by a newline character (\n). This field can be null or a blank string for simple "recipes" that require no instruction.
servings integer - this is the number of servings the unscaled recipe yields. Use this in combination with the servings attribute of recipe meals to figure out how much a recipe needs to be scaled for a given meal.
calories float - the total number of calories per serving.
protein float - the amount of protein (in grams) per serving.
carbs float - the amount of NET carbohydrates (in grams) per serving. This is carbohydrates with fiber subtracted. To get total carbohydrates, add back the fiber amount.
fat float - the amount of fat (in grams) per serving.
fiber float - the amount of fiber (in grams) per serving.
alcohol float - the amount of alcohol (in grams) per serving.
active_time integer - the active preparation time (in minutes).
cook_time integer - the cooking time (in minutes).
serving_name string - the name used to describe a single serving (e.g., "slice", "cup").
count_per_serving integer - the number of items per serving. For example, if the serving for a pizza recipe is "2 slices" the serving name is "slices" and the count per serving would be 2. For most recipes this is 1 or null (which can be treated as the same thing).
image object - the image is an object with the following keys:
- url string - the URL of the full resolution image for this recipe
- thumb object - an object with a single key "url" with the url of the thumbnail (200x133px) for this image
- medium_thumb object - an object with a single key "url" with the url of the medium thumbnail (500x333px) for this image
Ingredient Object
An Ingredient
object belongs to a recipe and defines the amount of a food to be included in the parent recipe. Ingredients don't point directly to Foods
, however. Instead they point to a Food Weight
and define an amount of that food measurement to be used. For example, an ingredient might have an "amount" of 3 and point to a food weight that represents a cup of diced chicken breast, which means the parent recipe has 3 cups of diced chicken breast.
id integer - the unique identifier of the ingredient.
recipe_id integer - the ID of the recipe to which this ingredient belongs.
food_weight_id integer - the ID of the associated food weight.
amount float - the quantity of the food weight required.
modifier string - any modifier or descriptor for the ingredient (e.g., "chopped", "fresh").
optional boolean - indicates whether the ingredient is optional.
Food Weight Object
A Food Weight
represents a specific measurement of a food and its weight in grams. For example, the Food
almonds might have food weights for a cup, a single almond, an ounce, a gram, etc. A food weight belongs to a single food, but it can be used by many ingredients.
id integer - the unique identifier of the food weight.
food_id integer - the ID of the associated food item.
measurement string - the unit of measurement for the food weight (e.g., "grams", "ounces", "cups").
grams float - the weight in grams of this quantity/measurement of the associated food.
hidden boolean - indicates whether this measurement should be hidden in recipes. This is usually only true if the "measurement" is redundant with the name of the food. E.g. the Apple food item might have a food weight whose measurement is a "medium apple", which doesn't need to be displayed because "1 Apple" is clearer than "1 medium apple Apple".
Food Object
A Food
object represents a food item like apples, salt, chicken, ground beef, etc. Every food item has 1 or more Food Weights
id integer - the unique identifier of the food item.
common_name string - the common, human-readable name of the food item. This is what should be displayed to users the vast majority of the time.
long_description string - this is the fully qualified name of the food. For example, for ground beef this might be "ground beef, grade A, 80% lean 20% fat"
short_description string - same as the long description but uses abbreviations.
is_liquid boolean - if true, indicates the food item is a liquid and can/should be measured in milliliters instead of grams.
Get grocery list
Example Response
"grocery_list": {
"start_date": "2567-07-26",
"needed": [
"name": "Beverages",
"grocery_items": [
"recipe_meal_ids": [
"food_weight_id": 15975,
"food_id": 14066,
"amount": 0.24
"recipe_meal_ids": [
"food_weight_id": 15537,
"food_id": 93634,
"amount": 8.33
"name": "Nut and Seed Products",
"grocery_items": [
"recipe_meal_ids": [
"food_weight_id": 6827,
"food_id": 12061,
"amount": 3.35
"recipe_meal_ids": [
"food_weight_id": 6966,
"food_id": 12195,
"amount": 2.0
"recipe_meal_ids": [
"food_weight_id": 16153,
"food_id": 12036,
"amount": 5.0
// Additional categories...
"bought": []
This endpoint retrieves the grocery list associated with a specific meal plan for a given client. The response provides detailed information about the required grocery items, categorized by their respective food groups, along with any items that have already been purchased.
HTTP Request
Request Body
client_identifier string or integer (required) - the ID or email address of the client whose grocery list is being requested. Using the client's ID is recommended because a client's email is editable whereas its ID will never change.
id integer (required) - the unique identifier of the meal plan for which the grocery list is to be retrieved. This ID corresponds to the
provided in the meal plans list.
If the request succeeds, the response will be a JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:
- grocery_list object - an object containing the grocery list details, including the start date, needed items, and bought items.
Response Object Definitions
Grocery List Object
The Grocery List
object includes the following attributes:
start_date date string - a YYYY-MM-DD formatted date representing the start date of the meal plan for which the grocery list is generated.
needed array of Category Objects - a list of categories, each containing the grocery items required for that category.
bought array of Category Objects - a list of categories containing grocery items that have already been purchased.
Category Object
Each Category
object includes the following attributes:
name string - the name of the grocery category (e.g., "Beverages", "Vegetables and Vegetable Products").
grocery_items array of Grocery Item Objects - a list of grocery items required or bought within this category.
Grocery Item Object
Each Grocery Item
object includes the following attributes:
recipe_meal_ids array of integers - a list of
Recipe Meal
IDs that require this grocery item. This helps in identifying which meals utilize the ingredient.food_weight_id integer - the unique identifier for the food weight, linking to the
Food Weight
object associated with this grocery list item.food_id integer - the unique identifier for the food item, linking to the
object associated with this grocery list item.amount float - the quantity of the
Food Weight